Tsukuba Clinical Research & Development Organization

University of Tsukuba was selected in 2017 as one of the translational and clinical research core institutes supported by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED). T-CReDO is operating this project.


The main mission of T-CReDO is both to support the translational and clinical development of medical seeds born from the research institutes around Tsukuba Science City and to foster researchers and professionals thereof.

To realize the above mission, we provide one-stop services including the following items.

  1. Consultation on clinical development including intellectual property, development strategy and support of clinical trials.
  2. Unified management of research projects (pipeline management, planning and promotion, finance, contracts, etc.)
  3. Fostering entrepreneurs and promoting open innovation
  4. Fostering medical seeds
  5. Support for feasibility studies aimed at clinical introduction
  6. Support for both industry-initiated and investigator-initiated clinical trials and researches.
  7. Promotion of clinical research network
  8. Lifelong education and training programs for clinical researchers and professionals.


We assist researchers to develop innovative medical technologies. We also do some research by ourselves related to clinical development of medical robots, healthcare management and improvement of medical systems.