Office for the Promotion of
International Medical Affairs

Office for the Promotion of International Medical Affairs

Greetings from Our Office Director
Greetings from Our Office Director

Greetings from the Chief

Office for the Promotion of International Medical Affairs at University of Tsukuba Hospital was established to promote international exchange with physicians, nurses, and others. Furthermore, this office provides support so patients from overseas can receive medical treatment smoothly at our hospital. In addition, this office also is working to obtain the international certification for hospital functions in order to bring the medical care / administration system of our hospital to a global standard and higher.


Activities of the Office for the Promotion of International Medical Affairs
Activities of the Office for the Promotion of International Medical Affairs

Activities of the Office for the Promotion of International Medical Affairs

We provide support and coordination for non-Japanese medical institutions and we provide support for non-Japanese patients who we receive, support for dispatching hospital professionals overseas, and support for receiving researchers from overseas.


Organization of the Office for the Promotion of International Medical Affairs
Organization of the Office for the Promotion of International Medical Affairs

Organization of the Office for the Promotion of International Medical Affairs

Office for the Promotion of International Medical Affairs is an organization that was established to promote international exchange and internationalization of our medical professionals, including physicians, medical students, and nurses.


Our Staffs
Our Staffs

Our Staffs

Staffs include office director, deputy office director, hospital lecturers, and clerical staffs.
